We provide services

When should you contact a recruitment agency?

The work of the recruitment agency "Capital Staff" is aimed to solving the problems that arise in the recruitment process. Ask for help, tell us about your needs, and in the shortest possible time we will offer a solution.

Why choose us?

Capital Staff recruitment agency is a reliable contractor that organizes productive and mutually beneficial cooperation between employers and staff. The company's geographical coverage includes the entire territory of the Russian Federation and the CIS.

Our recruitment services are actively used by both Russian and foreign companies that employ foreign employees and temporary staff. These are production enterprises, warehouses and other organizations with distinct seasonal activities, in which it is inexpedient to maintain a permanent large staff. Private clients, who cooperate with our recruiting agency, are in 60% of cases citizens from CIS countries aged 18 years and older, who are on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Reliability - honest company. We pay all taxes and are ready to confirm our integrity. In addition, our agency is among the 2% of accredited private employment agencies that have never lost their accreditation and have not changed their legal entity since 2016.
Professionalism - we know everything about the staffing market and can adequately evaluate opportunities for almost any project.
Flexibility - thanks to our vast experience, we are ready to find a solution for any customer's needs.
Stability - our authorized capital is 1.8 million rubles, this is your guarantee of risk-free.
We vouch for our candidate

For 16 years of work, our company has developed an effective recruitment scheme. We work quickly and qualitatively, develop not only a specific type of employment, but also offer services to choose from: outsourcing, staffing, staff recruitment and more.

We have a database of ready verified resumes of top-notch professionals, which significantly reduces the search time. Initially, we refer to it when an application is received from a company. We call candidates, carry out interviews and testing, and invite the best ones to an offline interview.

If the client wishes, based on the results of the selection process, we provide the information obtained to the company. Further, depending on the nature of the service, we do various works, from consulting on the registration of labor relations to the independent maintenance of CDC during the entire term of the contract, etc.

Ongoing cooperation with a recruiting agency

More than 96% of clients continued working with us after the first contact. Why cooperation with Capital Staff is beneficial for you?

How do we assist job seekers?

If you cannot find a job in Russia, do not know how to draw up permit documents or you are faced with discrimination and constant refusals, contact the specialized agency Capital Staff. We offer only official employment and help in the registration of all documents. To get an official job, you need to make only few steps:

  1. Leave a request - the agency specialists will contact you and answer all your questions.
  2. Sign the contract - read the terms of cooperation, sign the documents and pay for the service. If necessary, we provide legal assistance.
  3. Wait for offers from us – Capital Staff places your resume in the database and sends it to employers. We actively search for suitable vacancies and communicate options.

We will prepare you for the interview so that you feel confident and are likely to get the desirable position.

Steps of cooperation

1 step

Creation of the service request

2 step

Finalizing details and making a commercial offer

3 step

Contract signing

4 step

Realization of the set tasks

A staffing agency strives to satisfy both members of cooperation - to find a job for candidate that matches his or her skills, and to offer a knowledgeable top talent to company.

They trust us

Reviews from our clients

Our organization has been working with Capital Staff for two years under an outstaffing agreement. Two years ago our organization faced the problem of employing foreign workers. We had to invite a human resources employee to this area of work, who only dealt with the registration of foreigners, obtaining work permits for them, hiring and firing them, and monitoring the terms of entry and exit from the country. Even though our employee was a qualified "personnel officer", still the inspection made by the migration service revealed violations, for which the organization had to pay quite substantial fines. Then we decided to turn to professionals and work under an outstaffing agreement. The essence of this contract is that workers, including foreign workers, are provided to us by a company that is engaged in professional recruitment, officially employs workers at its premises, and provides us with those workers that we need at the moment at our request. In our opinion it is very convenient.

The advantages are as follows:

  1. The number of employees in our company was significantly reduced, and we were able to switch to the simplified taxation system.
  2. The workload of the personnel service and accounting department has been significantly reduced, since the employees of Capital Staff LLC are in charge of employee registration, calculation of wages and payment of payroll taxes, and we are billed for services rendered under the outstaffing agreement, the payment for which is very small.
  3. We can choose the workers that the company provides to us and if we are not satisfied with their professionalism, we are provided with other workers.
  4. Problems with the migration service have disappeared, because even during inspections, foreign employees have work permits from Capital Staff agency, our company presents an outstaffing contract, which is quite satisfactory to the migration service, and even if there are any problems, they are solved by the personnel department of Capital Staff, not by us.

I would like to emphasize the high professionalism of the employees of this company, Ekaterina Stalyukova and Viktoria Ustyuzhanina. They keep track of all changes in legislation and notify us, answer any of our questions and requests, always provide all necessary accounting documents on time.

With respect,
Director General of LLC "FIDEL"

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I express my gratitude and satisfaction with cooperation with Capital Staff. You guys are real professionals!

I have never heard enthusiastic feedback from FMS employees during an on-site inspection regarding the perfect condition of all documents and the organization of migrant workers' work at the company.

It is a pleasure to work with you. Everything is clear, transparent, reliable and most importantly - profitable.

I recommend your company to my friends as a reliable partner in the field of outsourcing and recruitment. I wish your business prosperity!

Com. Director
furniture factory "Edelweiss"
Semyonov A.S.

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Semyonov A.S.

Our company would like to thank Capital Staff LLC for its benevolence and ability and readiness to solve any, sometimes very complicated, personnel issues. We would especially like to mention the General Director E.A. Stalyukova, her competence and professionalism, ability to find a common language in any issue. We would like to express our gratitude to you for the fact that you have been working with us for many years and making a huge contribution to the development and prosperity of our company! Thanks to your high level of professionalism, efficiency, attentiveness, etc. none of our issues has remained unresolved. We believe in preserving the established business and friendly relations, we hope for further mutually beneficial cooperation. We wish you successful development and achievement of new heights in business.

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Klimenkova D.V.

LLC "Phobos" represented by the director Glebovitsky K.K. would like to thank the team of LLC Capital Staff for solving all our problems with the solution of organizational issues related to personnel matters, for the selection and hiring of personnel on a temporary and permanent basis. It was very pleasant to feel from the side of your company's employees efficiency and competent attitude to work during the whole period of our cooperation.

We would like to especially note the contribution of the General Director E.A. Stalyukova, her professionalism and profound knowledge of the business. We hope for further successful development of our business relations. We wish you and your company new achievements and financial prosperity!

Director of LLC "Phobos"
Glebovitsky K.K.

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Glebovitsky K.K.

The company Spetsmashmetiz CJSC, represented by General Director Motuzka V.M., expresses its special gratitude to the team of Capital Staff LLC for successful cooperation in the field of outstaffing. During the period of our business, we have already had experience of working with outstaffing companies, and we would like to note that Capital Staff agency differs favorably from our previous partners. We were able to highly appreciate the professionalism, efficiency, attentiveness, friendliness and client-orientedness of the employees of Capital Staff LLC, as well as the ability to solve situations of any complexity in a timely manner.

Thanks to our partnership we are sure that our employees work in our company legally, in compliance with all norms of migration and labor legislation.

We wish you further growth, prosperity and success in business.

Director General
V.M. Motuzok

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V.M. Motuzok

I contacted Capital Personnel in order to find a part-time job. I couldn’t do it myself, because the standard schedule doesn’t suit me, and employers weren’t happy with this work format. The agency quickly (literally a couple of days) offered me several vacancies and now I work in one of the proposed companies. Thank you!(translated from Russian)

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Marina A.

Hi everyone, I would like to recommend this company! They helped me with employment. Offered different options for work. In general, I have been working for almost a year. Everything suits me.

Regina I.

I highly appreciate the professionalism of the Capital Staff team. They are always ready to answer any questions. The work in their hands is going on 24/7. I could not imagine that in a short time it is possible to prepare a not insignificant firm (32 people - half of them foreign citizens with the status of temporary stay) for the inspection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Everything was done simply at the highest level, you can't pick on it with no doubts!

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Bogachev N.G.

Thank you Anna! She is very good at helping entrepreneurs! I didn't know anything about the rules and that’s why I got fined. Then I was looking for help. And they helped me very well! I've recently been re-checked. All clear! You're doing a great job. Thank you!

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Farhudov N. A.

Professional, intelligent guys. Just what I was looking for. Well done!

Perunov I. T.

Main services of the recruitment agency

Outstaffing is the activity of providing labor, which includes:

  1. Outstaffing - formal employment of the customer's employees in the contractor's staff. This is especially relevant for companies that cooperate with foreign specialists. For example, the staff of a construction company consists of 30% migrants. In this case, outstaffing will not only reduce the risk of fines for incorrectly executed documents or overdue authorization documents of a foreign citizen, but also significantly ease the burden on the accounting and human resources departments of the company.
  2. Outstaffing of personnel provision. In this case the service includes all stages of work with personnel, from selection to scheduling and optimization of sick leave and vacation payments. For instance, the customer company is planning to open a branch office, but there are no necessary resources for hiring, adapting and managing a large number of specialists. In such a case, outstaffing is a rational choice when planning a business development strategy.

Outstaffing allows you to remove legal accountability for employees, avoid conflict situations and labor disputes, as well as stay on the simplified taxation system (Russian taxation system) due to staff reduction.

Outsourcing is the transfer of part of the functions (business-processes) to third-party specialists. The HR center service frees you from the need to search for and select employees, relieves the customer company's HR department, and allows the use of additional labor resources at minimal cost. In this case, the customer pays for the volume of services rendered, but not for the time spent on the work. For example, a client company needs a temporary worker to collect 1,000 items per month of a certain quality. The contract is concluded for a certain period of time and it is for the collected items of the required quality that the specialist is paid.

Legalization - registration of foreign workers on behalf of the client. Recruiting agency checks the legality of labor activity of foreign citizens, carries out the necessary measures within the field of migration legislation. This minimizes possible losses of labor resources, avoids administrative liability and levels of risks associated with suspension of activities and million-rubles fines.

Recruitment - search for specialists of various profiles: managers, supervisors, line staff, laborers, etc. The recruitment agency cooperates with the company's employees. The recruiting agency cooperates with domestic and foreign organizations throughout Russia, and reviews the databases of foreign recruitment centers.

Preparation of the company for inspections by the migration service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs — a full audit of the situation with foreign workers. The conditions of employment are being checked, including the legality of attracting foreign citizens. Documents on admission/dismissal are analyzed, financial papers on accruals and salary payments are studied. The legality of employees' personal and authorization documents is also being checked. A conclusion is issued on the detected violations of migration legislation and possible liability, recommendations are prepared on correcting errors, reducing/eliminating the risks of administrative and other liability. If necessary, the recruitment agency can issue a legal re-registration of client’s foreign employees to Capital Staff’s staff to transfer responsibility for improper employment.

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Recruiting agency «Capital Staff»

Our staffing agency offers our clients convenient cooperation and searches for the best solutions. We work without illegal schemes and hidden fees. We mainly cooperate with organizations from St. Petersburg, Leningrad region and applicants from CIS countries, but we are open to cooperation with many other countries.

Stages of recruitment in Capital Staff

Receiving and processing of the application. You can send your application for the service electronically or by contacting the agency managers via phone. It is necessary to specify the vacant position, requirements to the candidate and working conditions.
Posting the vacancy. We publish the card with the description on the website of our recruiting agency and other Internet resources that are suitable for searching candidates for the specified position.
Work with resumes from our own database and open sources. We call applicants who might be interested in the vacancy.
Evaluating resumes. We analyze applicants' resumes, conduct preliminary testing, phone or video interviews.
Offline interview. A conversation with a candidate in the office of a recruiting company with the participation of agency experts.
Analyzing the meeting with applicants. We identify the best candidates based on the results of the previous stages of selection. Contacting their previous employers to make a more complete picture of the applicant.
Providing the client with candidate details. We send the client cards with detailed data of the best applicants, including notes on the results of the selection stages.
Providing assistance with employee selection and onboarding.

If necessary, we will independently select candidates to be recommended for a vacant position. Moreover, the agency provides services of outstaffing (staffing), outsourcing, registration of foreign workers on behalf of the client, assistance in registration of working patents for foreign workers, etc.

All recruitment specialists in our agency have extensive knowledge in the field of labor and tax legislation, know all the subtleties of personnel work. This allows us to maximize the efficiency of solving the task set by the customer. We are confident in the results of our work, so the remuneration for the search of an employee is transferred only after he passes the probationary period.